This is Scruffy waking up from a nap. She is the mother of Tommy, the cat in the previous post. I gave her to my Mom for Mother's Day five years ago. I brought her in my Mom's house wrapped up in a sweatshirt. She couldn't wait for my Mom to unwrap the sweatshirt and meowed to give away the surprise. She has been my Mom's 'cat' ever since. She has just started to warm up to my father recently. Another interesting character trait about Scruffy is she is JEALOUS of her OWN children. My parents kept two of her kittens. She does not like them to receive attention.
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Looks like Tommy could be her father!! She has gorgeous green eyes.
ReplyDeleteSame green eys guess we know where Tommy got his sass.
ReplyDeleteLovely eyes and bib on a grumpy mom.
ReplyDeleteLovely lady! I'm a sucker for black or black & white cats (I have 5 solid black, and I'm down to 2 B&W ones--both senior citizens). You'd be grumpy with your kids, too, if they never left home after they grew up!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Sunny's right, I had a mom and son combo and she was nasty to him. I really like tuxedo cats, she's a beauty.
ReplyDeleteLove both of your kitty pictures - they are both beautiful!