Wednesday, February 11, 2009

#332 Tools of the Trade

So I had to post this picture. I conquered a fear. Here I am on the roof of the building we are constructing. The tools of my trade ALWAYS consists of hard hat, safety glasses, and safety vest.


  1. Good for you, conquering that fear!

  2. Cool glad you did that. I conquered one of mine 4 years ago and that was flying. The best way is to jump in to whatever it is head first. I still have a few more to go, but one at a time. That's a great picture. I wish I had one of me on my first plane ride, I was pretty scared.

  3. You are brave, not sure I would like it up there either - great image of your accomplishment!

  4. It's a great feeling when you conquer a fear and can cross it off the list!! Congratulations!!

  5. Cool shot and congrats on your accomplishment in overcoming your fear.

  6. What a great picture! And an interesting job to have...
